volunteers for interview

From: Ted Davis (TDavis@messiah.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 29 2003 - 15:00:59 EST

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: David Livingstone's take on geology and creation"

    Once again, it is time for me to solicit volunteers to be interviewed
    electonically by my students. Many of you have done this before; if you
    wish to be interviewed again this spring (ie, February and very early
    March), please respond privately to me and let me know this:

    For those who have never done this, here is what happens. A senior science
    major at Messiah will contact you and ask you to tell part of your "life
    story," focusing on your scientific work and your Christian faith. You will
    also be asked to discuss how you related those two parts of your life. The
    stories are written up for my eyes only.

    The purpose is to help students see that there is a worldwide community of
    Christians in scientific fields, and that such persons do think about how to
    relate these parts of their lives.

    If you wish to be interviewed, please use the address above to contact me.
    I take steps to ensure that no one is interviewed by more than one student,
    and I cannot promise that all volunteers will be interviewed.

    Eligible persons are scientists, engineers, physicians, and certain other
    folks who know a lot about science. If you think you're in that category
    and you are new to this, please tell me about yourself.

    Thank you,

    ted davis

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