Re: Unleashing the Storm

From: Jim Armstrong (
Date: Sat Jan 25 2003 - 09:48:18 EST

  • Next message: John Burgeson: "Re: Calvinistic Epistemology"

    I dunno about dowsing, other than the stories, which are sure
    persistant. But I have this question, why was this attributed to a
    demonic influence? JimA

    Stephen J. Krogh wrote:

    >>-----Original Message-----
    >>From: []On
    >>Behalf Of Bill Payne
    >>Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 9:15 PM
    >>Subject: Re: Unleashing the Storm
    >>I am well aware of how bizarre all of this sounds, yet these are my own
    >>experiences. I'm sure there are others here who could recount similar
    >>experiences. You're likely right that the stones at Tiahuanaco were
    >>moved by men, but with evidence of dowsing how can we be sure that demons
    >>would not do the same thing for men who were willing to sell their souls
    >>to Satan? If demons can move a twig or a rod, then they should be able
    >>to move a 100-ton stone.
    >>Are you in agreement, Glenn, that dowsing rods do actually move in
    >>response to some unseen force? If so, what is the force?
    >Yeah, I remember trying those rods when looking for subsurface powerlines,
    >or UST vaults, or even disturbed soil. It seemed to work best if I already
    >new where these were. Imagine that.
    >Stephen J. Krogh, P.G.
    >The PanTerra Group

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