Edward J. Larson to speak at Messiah College

From: Ted Davis (TDavis@messiah.edu)
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 09:19:47 EST

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: Some Comments on Radiometric dating."

    The following events may interest ASAers within a couple hours of
    Harrisburg, PA. The featured speaker is Edward J. Larson, Professor of Law
    and History at the University of Georgia. Ed was a keynote speaker at the
    ASA annual meeting in 2001. Interested people may contact Ted Davis at:

    Tues, Mar 25 at 7:30 pm. Public lecture, "Eugenics, Human Gene Testing and
    Genetic Discrimination," in Brubaker Auditorium (Messiah College campus).

    Description: Human gene testing offers new techniques for determining in
    advance an individual's genetic susceptibilities for an increasing number
    of physical conditions. For example, such tests can be used to determine
    whether someone is at a heightened risk for several dozen diseases or
    disabilities--and more tests are on the way. Although these techniques
    promise great medical benefit, they also have raised concerns about privacy
    and discrimination. Although human gene testing is new, the concerns are
    not. In fact, a century ago, geneticists thought they could predict
    heightened risk for disease and disability using family histories, and
    attempted to address the issue through eugenic restrictions on reproduction.
      Drawing on this past experience with eugenics, historian and law professor
    Edward J. Larson will examine the potential social risks and current legal
    protections surrounding human gene testing.

    Wed, Mar 26 at 9:00 am

    Seminar on "Creationism and the Law," venue TBA. Designed for lawmakers,
    school administrators, school board members. Others may contact Ted Davis
    for permission to attend.

    Description: A leading authority on science and the first amendment, Dr.
    Larson will review state statutes and policies as well as federal judicial
    decisions involving the teaching of evolution in public schools. He will
    also comment on the writing of science standards for public schools,
    focusing on what has happened relative to creationism and "intelligent
    design." It is suggested that seminar participants purchase a copy of the
    new, third edition of Larson's book, Trial and Error: The American
    Controversy Over Creation and Evolution, just released by Oxford University
    Press. Larson holds a Ph.D in the history of science from the University of
    Wisconsin and a law degree from Harvard. He hold chairs in both the history
    department and the law school at the University of Georgia.

    Wed, Mar 26 at 7:00 pm

    Public event on "God and the Galapagos," Whitaker Center, Harrisburg, PA.
    Tickets ($10) will be available in a few weeks from the Messiah College box
    office. 717-691-6036.

    A showing of the IMAX film Galapagos (45 mins), followed by a lecture (45
    mins) by Larson, "God and Science in the Galapagos Islands," with
    questions/answers (30 mins)

    Description: Dr. Larson will trace the historical place of these enchanted
    isles in human culture, focusing on their role in reflecting and shaping
    Western thinking about evolutionary science and natural theology. Charles
    Darwin looms large in this story, but so do a surprisingly rich cast of
    other scientists, explorers, and nature writers. The story continues to the
    present day, with the islands' recent evolution into a center for
    biological field work and a prime destination of eco-tourists.

    These events are made possible by a generous grant from the John M.
    Templeton Foundation.

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