Re: Inerrancy

From: J Burgeson (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 20:53:06 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "RE: Adam from Dust"

    Allen wrote:

    "To be sure most will say that they have been led into the truth by the HS.
    The question remains how does one determine what is truth. If everyone
    were truly led by the HS, then there would not be a multiplicity of
    denominations. The fact is that there are usually factors other than
    Biblical by which certain 'doctrine' are developed and held."

    If I understand you, you are saying that at least one (presumably SDA) has
    been accurately "led into THE truth by the HS and all others have been
    swayed by other factors.

    My own view ids that God is really interested in relationships with us, and
    "getting doctrine right" is just not a priority with him.

    To accept your view would lead me to an endless search among the 100 or more
    denominations looking for the "right" one. Worse, I would then have to say
    that good committed Christians in all the others were misled by their

    That would be monstrous.


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