Re: Burgy's Testimony

From: J Burgeson (
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 18:57:30 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Balancing Equations"

    Wally wrote:

    >>I think that Burgy has shown incredible courage in posting his personal
    >>testimony on this list. I further believe that the rest of us should
    >>follow suit. I know that my own cannot be anywhere near as compelling,
    >>but I am willing to post if even one other person can agree that this is a
    >>good idea --- and maybe even they do not.

    BTW: we recently did this in a Stephen Ministry meeting at the church I
    attend. The results were truly amazing and make one wonder why we dare not
    more be far more open to our neighbors. There are many ways to come to know
    the Lord and you must hear those of others to understand his amazing

    I appreciate those good words, Wally, although I do not claim any particular
    "courage" in the post. What I was getting was off line mail which was
    disturbing to me, for it indicated I was seriously upsetting some of my
    Christian brothers (and possibly sisters). Somewhere in scripture Jesus says
    "if your brother holds anything against you ... ." and it was clear to me
    that this was the case. Since there are always lurkers on the list, I choose
    to address the list directly.

    When I teach Stephen Ministry classes, the act of testimony is part of the
    deal, properly introduced and explained, of course. It is also not unheard
    of in SS classes, etc. I will teach a class beginning next January on
    science, scripture and ethical problems; although Montview Blvd Presbyterian
    Church in Denver is generally a "liberal" congregation, it is my intention
    to express that testimony at that time, as I have done in other churches.

    In early Acts Jesus says to be witnesses; how can we do this unless we tell
    people about what has happened in our lives? CS Lewis thought it was worth
    doing so, in his book SURPRISED BY JOY.

    George has some good reasons why this list is not the place to do it. I
    agree that they are good reasons, but I am not convinced they are compelling
    reasons, particularly if one feels God's urging to do so. I would not,
    myself, urge anyone else to do so -- but I guarantee if someone does I will
    read what they have to say with interest.

    Thanks again.


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