(no subject)

From: J Burgeson (hoss_radbourne@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 18:07:51 EDT

  • Next message: douglas.hayworth@perbio.com: "Re: Burgy's Testimony"

    Peter wrote: "Thank you, Burgy, for this wonderful testimony! I don't know,
    and I don't care what occasioned it. I certainly have also riled up people
    on this list with what I wrote, and occasionally, I didn't agree with what
    you wrote. But contributions such as your testimony are certainly an
    enrichment of this list!

    So let's be patient with each other, listen carefully, and if we don't
    agree, criticize (an opinion, not the person) gracefully and lovingly! It
    is, primarily, to myself that I want to tell this.>>

    Thank you, my friend Peter. I really appreciate the post. Some posts I toss
    off all to quickly; I spent a lot of time on that one and nearly chickened
    out. You and at least three others have told me I did the right thing.

    Thanks again.



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