Re: Anthropological items

From: Jay Willingham (
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 19:51:12 EDT

  • Next message: bivalve: "Re: Anthropological items"

    Dr John Ross of Harvard University , in Chemical and Engineering News, =
    July 27, 1980, p. 40, states:
       ". there are no known violations of the second law of thermodynamics. =
    Ordinarily the second law is stated for isolated systems, but the second =
    law applies equally well to open systems. . There is somehow associated =
    with the field of far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics the notion that =
    the second law of thermodynamics fails for such systems. It is important =
    to make sure that this error does not perpetuate itself."

       Open systems still have a tendency to disorder.=20

       The open systems argument does not help evolution. Raw energy cannot =
    generate the specified complex information in living things. Undirected =
    energy just speeds up destruction. Just standing out in the sun won't =
    make you more complex - the human body lacks the mechanisms to harness =
    raw solar energy. If you stood in the sun too long, you would get skin =
    cancer, because the sun's undirected energy will cause mutations. =
    (Mutations are copying errors in the genes that nearly always lose =
    information). Similarly, undirected energy flow though an alleged =
    primordial soup will break down the complex molecules of life faster =
    than they are formed.

       ----- Original Message -----=20
       From: D. F. Siemens, Jr.=20
       Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 6:50 PM
       Subject: Re: Anthropological items

       I have talked to physicists specifically on the notion of entropy and =
    the argument that the 2nd Law prohibits the evolutionary development of =
    increased complexity. If your claim about entropy were correct, it would =
    be impossible for your papers to be filed, for the order is increased =
    thereby. In physical language, this is decreased entropy in your files. =
    What is required for the task of straightening things up is that some =
    energy be expended to produce the ordered result. As a consequence, the =
    total entropy of the universe has been increased very slightly. The 2nd =
    Law provides that, in a closed system, entropy increases. The earth is =
    not a closed system: it gets energy from the sun. This indirectly =
    provides the energy required for your continued order. If you were =
    transformed into a closed system, no input, you would quickly cease to =
    function and, in time, minute organisms would reduce your order further =
    until they too reached the end of their order--nothing from you that =
    they could continue to input.

       One of my physicist friends commented that entropy is somewhat =
    difficult to understand, so that a lot of nonsense is presented in its =
    name. He added that entropy is a probabilistic concept, one aspect of =
    which is presented in Maxwell's demon. Dr. David Campbell may not be a =
    physicist, but he's got entropy right. You have believed a lie.

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