Understanding prophecy, part 3 then end

From: Allen Roy (allenroy@peoplepc.com)
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 03:18:25 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "Scientific American 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense"

    Still having problems with this limitations of this net. Here is what I
    thought I'd sent yesterday and the day before.....


    Here is a quick comparison chart showing the parallels between the four main
    prophecies of Daniel. As you can see they each begins in Daniel's day and
    end with the second coming of Jesus. (The cleansing of the sanctuary (Yom
    Kippur) includes the second coming)


    In the purple column is the typical Historistical interpretation of the
    prophecy (but that the nations of Europe are often used in place of the
    USA.) If anyone would like to discuss these further in detail I suggest we
    do so off net.


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