RE: The flood (was RE: Why no 2350 BC Mesopotamian flood evidence?)

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 00:43:39 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Understanding Prophecy (was Re: Daniel)"

    jim Eisle wrote:
    >For the record, there is archaeological (and other) evidence of widespread,
    >same time flooding in Mesopotamia. My goal isn't to make a "big fuss." It
    >would just be nice if Glenn acknowledged evidence that was contrary to his
    >current way of thinking.


    >You failed to acknowledge ANY counter-arguments (as did Glenn) to the
    >non-Mesopotamian flood hypothesis. I thought that you weren't a YEC :-)

    Jim, don't gloat too early it is unbecoming. I just uploaded a poorly
    constructed web page showing 3 maps of the areas of Iraq which flood. These
    areas are the areas where there is Holocene surficial sediments. The
    holocene consists of the past 10,000 years. As you will see not much of
    Iraq is capable of being flooded. Sorry that the pictures are so big, but
    in order to get enough resolution, I needed to use big pictures. I will try
    to make them smaller but it will take a while.

    the site is

    The maps are about 3 megs.


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