Re: The Value of Concordism

From: Dr. Blake Nelson (
Date: Sun Apr 28 2002 - 19:44:48 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Freedom of the will (was Re: Bear sacrifice)"

    --- Jim Eisele <> wrote:
    > A) Could help save people's faith

    Can just as easily undermine it if the Truth of
    Christianity is made conditional upon Concordism,
    which it should not be, especially in regards to the
    Old Testament.

    > B) Is a positive intellectual exercise

    Which can smack of ad hoc and ad posteriori reasoning.
      One that is generally speculative. Writing fiction
    can be a positive intellectual exercise as well.

    > C) Weren't the Bereans praised in the NT?

    When compared to the Thessalonians, yes. Not that I
    endorse it, but here is one view about what the
    noble-mindedness of the Bereans meant:

    However, even assuming it truly is commending a review
    od scripture, you are mixing apples and oranges in
    terms of topic. They were not concerned with a
    scientific interpretation of scripture, they were
    concerned with whether scripture supported Paul's
    proclamation of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah.
    This is an appropriate use of relevant scripture,
    because many of the OT texts talk about the Messiah
    who is to come. So, I find this reference, even if
    accurately described, inapposite to the question of
    whether any part of the Bible is a scientific text or
    intended to be. It does support an understanding of
    Jesus as the Christ prophesied in the OT. I support
    that wholeheartedly.

    > D) It is dangerous to discount the Bible

    It is dangerous to use books of the Bible for purposes
    that were not intended by their authors.

    > Of course, concordism often gets criticized.
    > I'm not sure why. Could someone enlighten me?
    > Jim

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