Re: Pansies?

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 17:35:14 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Re: Pansies?"

    Mr. Murphy

    >> How come a group of grown men/women can't come up with a consensus
    >> on Gen 1? How weak and pathetic.
    >> Jim (no wonder Genesis Defended had to start our own web site)

    >Okay, that does it.

    I can only guess to the definition of it.

    A) Convicts you
    B) Makes you a more mature person.


    While I'm at it

    >This is why in _The
    >Trademark of God_ I started with the exodus & Second Isaiah & then moved
    >to Genesis.

    Heck, George, why bother to read Genesis at all? Let alone see the
    incredible correlation with science. But, in George world, I guess
    you can do and say whatever you please. I'll let the Lord handle you.


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