RE: Fish/Tetrapod transition: was A matter of trust?

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Sun Apr 21 2002 - 04:45:10 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: A matter of trust?"

    Glenn writes

    >The only way the widely held conservative
    >apologetical posistions can be held is by ignoring the contradictory data.

    Yes, Glenn, this is what all of us find so frustrating. I'm
    mostly "preaching to the choir" on this listserv. But, I will
    follow your train of thought. Somewhere in the OT there is a
    prophecy "70 weeks to Messiah." Well, this prophecy was written
    something like 500 years before Jesus. To "work" the interpretation
    a week has to equal seven years.

    YECs want to stand on the Bible, shake their fists, have heart
    attacks, suppress truth, rely on their power, influence, and money,

    My question is, are these same people going to use their money to
    pay for counseling for all of the people they have misled?


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