Re: preadamic man "in God's image" vs "sons of God"

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 14:25:39 EDT

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    Mike writes

    >Adam and Eve and their descendants were considered to be "sons of God"
    >because they were in a covenant relationship with him. But how does this
    >prove that those who were spoken of in Gen. 1:26,27 as being created "in
    >God's image" were Adam and Eve and not the preadamic human race?

    Well, Mike, I'm not a book writer. And I don't know Hebrew. But,
    I went back and looked at Genesis 1-2. It's only about the 50th or
    60th time that I've read it (NASB).

    I imagine a large part of the difficulty is that we humans would
    prefer think that we are the center of everything. Perhaps that
    contributed to the problem in Galileo's time. We want to think
    that the Bible is directly about us. Not Hebrews first, then us.

    The Genesis 1 description of Man and his authority flows into Gen 2.
    To me, they seem very related (same type of language).

    >Critics of our belief that the Bible does not present Adam as being
    >"the first man" in an absolute chronological sense have often asked me,
    >"So then, if that's the case, why does Genesis not tell us of God's
    >creation of men before Adam?" When they do I tellthem to read Genesis

    There's an awful lot that Gen 1 leaves out. I focus on how incredible
    it is that the Author got the sequence of events right. People may
    say I'm biased. But I calculated the odds as something like one in
    5 quintillion. Yes, yes, I know - YMMV :).


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