RE: cosmology & polygamy

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 09:17:04 EDT

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    Don Wrote:

    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: []On
    >Behalf Of Don Perrett
    >Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 5:31 PM
    >Good point, but doesn't the OT say not to create hybrid plants? If so, then
    >what makes us think that hybrid/genetic engineered anything would be
    >acceptable to God.?

    If hybrids are not acceptable to God, why did God set up a system where
    natural polyploids occur?

    This is from an old speciation FAQ by Boxhorn:
    "5.1.3 Trapopogonan

         Owenby (1950) demonstrated that two species in this genus were
    produced by polyploidization from hybrids. She showed that
    Trapopogonan miscellus found in a colony in Moscow, Idaho was
    produced by hybridization of T. dubius and T. pratensis. She also
    showed that T. mirus found in a colony near Pullman, Washington was
    produced by hybridization of T. dubius and T. porrifolius."

    This is something I ran across:
    "Polyphyly is possibly less heterodox than it may seem at first
    sight, in so far as polytopy is advocated in cases of speciation by
    polyploidy or hybridization. Two allotetraploid ferns (Asplenium
    bradleyi and A. pinnatifidum) are polymorphic at the same loci as
    their diploid parents: this indicates that each of them has
    originated more than once. The multiple origin of several polyploid
    plants has also been confirmed by molecular evidence. . . . these
    studies, mostly based on cpDNA evidence, suggest that multiple
    origins of polyploids are perhaps the rule rather than the
    exception."~Alessandro Minelli, Biological Systematics, (London:
    Chapman & Hall, 1993), p. 80-81

    >Don P


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