RE: Did something unique happen 8,500 years ago?

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 08:09:07 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: Homo erectus in Africa"

    Hi Shuan,

    You wrote:
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Shuan Rose []
    >Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 12:58 PM
    > Although I will defer to Glenn and the other experts, I am frankly
    >skeptical. Jared Diamond, the writer of the Pulitzer Prize winning " Guns,
    >Germs, and Steel" believed that early man was quite bloodthirsty,
    >exterminating the Australian and American megafauna at the end of last ice
    >age. He also believed that Homo Sapiens shoved off stage the two other
    >recently surviving hominid species, Homo Neanderthalis and Homo Erectus.(I
    >know that Glenn doesn't believe these were seperate species. I am going by
    >the consensus view of human origins).

    If I were to make a guess of the percentage of those who believe that there
    was some interbreeding with the archaics it would be 99% of anthropologists
    do, including those who are advocating the total replacement theory such as
    Chris Stringer. Those who believe the archaics left a genetic heritage in
    us probably drops to 55% with 45% holding that they did. The press seems to
    favor the bloodsport of mean mankind coming out of the south killing all.

    > OTOH, even Diamond agrees that large scale warfare began with the
    >agricultural revolution and the rise of cities 8000 years ago.>

    If he means by that armies, I agree. Only agriculture can create enough food
    to support a standing army. But warfare is part and parcel of the life of
    Amazonians and they engaged in little agriculture.


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