Re: Troy's two cents.

From: Troy Elliott Eckhardt (
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 22:57:25 EST

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Only a Story?"

    > I said "it is a completely absurd position". Don't try to turn this into a personal attack.

    I know, Mr. Murphy. And I said that it didn't matter to me whether it was I you thought absurd or merely my thought processes. Really, when it all boils down, what are we intellectually if not the sum of our thoughts? I think "completely absurd" is a bit provocative, don't you? I must admit that I let these words attack the pride I possess in violation of God's wishes anyway. For that I offer my apology to you and to him.

    >Presumably the type of tact that leads one to say "If you don't like my choice, lump it, or blow it out your ear for all I care."

    I would say that my statement above indicates that I do not care one way or the other how you feel about my decision to accept the King James Bible as the final authority for English speaking people. I still don't care. I did not, however, belittle your decisions or convictions by pronouncing them "absurd."

    I indicated with my original post that:

    1) I knew my KJV-onlyism would ruffle feathers, and
    2) I didn't intend to initiate a debate about it. I still don't. I don't think this is the right forum.

    I have been told by my peers that my position on the very existence of God was absurd. This, I presume, is one "absurdity" about which you and I could debate side-by-side against the godless scientists of our time. Unfortunately, the issue of the ultimate authority of the KJV for English speakers is not. Let's fellowship together on the levels where it is possible, and tactfully debate these trivial issues that differentiate us one from the other. After all, we're brothers in Christ.


    Troy Eckhardt

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