RE: ASA Perspective

From: Woodward Norm Civ WRALC/TIEDM (
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 15:38:36 EST

  • Next message: Graham Morbey: "Re: replenishing"

    "At least this geocentrist guy is consistent enough to take his Biblicism to
    its logical end ..."
    If this geocentrist really hopes to use the two passages as his proof-texts,
    he is indeed on shaky ground, theologically at least...despite the rather
    stellar commentators he quoted.
    Using Eccl 1:5 would imply that anyone using the terms "sunrise" or
    "sunset," including most almanacs editors, TV weathermen, and, I dare say,
    astronomers, must be a geocentrist at heart. That would be a hard
    contention to support.
    Joshua 10 lends more creditability, not because it says the sun, and
    possibly the moon, stood still for "about a day." (As with Genesis 1, how is
    a day defined? Did they have hour-glasses back then?)
    One can not just say that the writer should have said "the earth stood
    still"; If the angular velocity of the earth decelerated to zero that
    quick, things would become much more exciting than just Joshua conquering
    yet another pagan tribe. If that doesn't seem exciting enough, consider the
    effects produced by the earth spinning backwards. (Isaiah 38:8).
    The inspired writers obviously reported the miracles at face value, which
    needs no aberrant celestial behavior in either case. It is well known that
    atmospheric conditions can cause apparent shifts in position of far away
    objects, causing a phenomenon called a "mirage." With a sufficient amount
    of "Divine Intervention," (sorry, any deists out there), these bodies could
    seem to stand still, or retrograde, over a significant length of time.
    While I would be the last to encourage the teaching that miracles could be
    the result of "lights and mirrors," I would suggest that the phenomena cited
    is much more likely the result of form than substance.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 7:55 PM
    Subject: Re: ASA Perspective
    In a message dated 3/15/02 1:17:52 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

    Allan Harvey, wrote:

      There is only a problem if one insists that Biblical "infallibility"
    applies not only to the traditional "matters of faith and practice" but also
    to scientific questions outside the purpose of Scripture. Of course some
    people do that. Such people were in trouble long before Darwin, since if
    read that way the Bible teaches that the mustard seed is the smallest of all
    seeds, that the Sun revolves around the Earth, and that the waters above the
    Earth are held back by a solid dome.

    Out of curiosity, where in the bible does it say "....that the Sun revolves
    around the Earth..."?

    For starters, see the Biblical arguments on this Webpage:

    Of course reasonable people would say that these arguments are mistaken,
    that these passages are not about astronomy and that God was communicating
    in a way appropriate to the conceptual framework of the inspired writers
    and original prescientific audience.

    But when some of us make similar observations about forced scientific
    readings of Genesis 1, many of those reasonable people view that as making
    Scripture "weak" (or as selling out the Bible completely).

    At least this geocentrist guy is consistent enough to take his Biblicism to
    its logical end ...

    Dr. Allan H. Harvey, Boulder, Colorado |
    "Any opinions expressed here are mine, and should not be
    attributed to my employer, my wife, or my cats"

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