Re: The Bible is not a scientific text??

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 22:11:49 EST

  • Next message: "Re: ASA Perspective"

    At 06:15 PM 14/03/02 -0700, Allen Roy wrote:

    >I've been on this net for several years. Perhaps I missed something. I
    >keep hearing that the Bible is not a scientific text, yet I have not really
    >heard a good definition of what is meant by that. So far, none of the
    >responses have really dealt with defining the issue. Even Terry Gray's
    >article only skirts the issue by simply stating that the Bible isn't
    >scientific. Just exactly what is ment by that. And in what way could it
    >have been written so that it could be scientific? I am not saying that it
    >is or should be used as a scientific text.

    I have said and say it again, Allan, this subject has been talked about in
    many different forms, and different words. The fact is no matter how you
    talk about it, basically you want (I think), read the Bible as a
    text-book. Even if it is only to know how God created. The Bible is meant
    for all times and all people. If you want to read the Bible in a different
    way than I do, it is your right, but I say again, the Bible is not that
    kind of a book. Nor does it want to tell exactly HOW things
    happened. That is why I come back time and again and say, that it takes
    years to talk about this subject. Gen.chapters 1 - 11 are not even a
    listing of what modern North Americans call facts. God does not use our
    language to people living 6000 years and more ago in the same way as he
    talks to people who know a little more now. That is why I repeat again:
    modern American philosophies do not understand old historic facts, and
    especially they do not understand the languages used. So needed is study
    of Theology (thoroughly), Christian Philosophy and not just the superficial
    kind, but preferably the Philosophy of the Law Idea, because Vollenhoven
    stayed very close to the Bible in his lectures, and his criticizing of old
    and new philosophies, knowledge of languages, knowledge of history of
    science, and the realization that languages continually change. "Truth"
    used to mean faithfullness as is still visible in "troth."

    Since "scientific" has a specific meaning nowadays, which was totally
    unknown even a few centuries ago, it is clear that the Bible is not written
    in "scientific" language. God used in the Bible spoken to people 6000
    years ago a language they could understand. We should realize that we do
    have to study a lot before we can say: "The Bible says this or that".

    The Holy Spirit will guide us in reading the Bible, if we are willing to
    spend many, many years of studying the situations about which the Bible
    talks to people at a certain time. My grandfather would not even
    understand the subjects we are talking about. He had a son who studied the
    Old Testament thoroughly (If he had not died in a German concentration camp
    he would have been professor in Old Testament), who showed how difficult it
    is to see the Old Testament through the eyes of Old Testament people. For
    example, how the numbers of soldiers mentioned for the fall of Jericho
    compared with the ruins of the walls which fell, cannot be "true" in our
    sense of the word. So something is wrong with the numbers mentioned: "Does
    thousand indeed mean thousand?" "Or, does it may be mean family?" Or "must
    we try to find another solution?"
    Same goes for other points in Gen.1 -11. Too much to mention in e-mail

    So here again: much study is needed, most of which is impossible via
    e-mail, unless someone sets up a complete university faculty discussing:
    Christian Philosophy, and the influence of secular philosophies on
    exegesis. So a thorough history of Philosophy.
    Old Testament and its backgrounds, and its connection with the New Testament.
    History, Ancient
    History of Exegesis
    Old Hebrew, Arameic, Greek (old)
    The background of modern philosophies in modern thinking, thus also in science.

    I can not even indicate in a few words how to read one chapter of the
    Bible. A life time of study is needed before we have a beginning of
    understanding. Don't try to get it in a few readings. And connect bible
    books with other bible books, to see the main reason why they were
    written. I am sure that for us it is sufficient to know God created, in
    Science we study how the steps may have been.

    Good Night.


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