Re: ASA Perspective

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 21:17:43 EST

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "FW: ASA Perspective"

    Re: your posting. Don't hold your breath. We, or I should say, I just
    stopped talking about these things for the nth time. In the past many
    years I have often discussed these things and I kept on repeating
    myself. For quite a while I will try not to be involve in discussions on
    these subjects, unless a new point comes up.

    Jan de K.

    At 07:52 PM 13/03/02 -0600, Don Perrett wrote:

    >Concerning your statements: While it is very articulate and a true
    >expression of your faith, I would say that your comments on understanding
    >the truth can be said about anyone who does not have the same
    >interpretation. Regardless of one's view we must not be concerned with how
    >right we are but rather we should be concerned about how wrong we are not.
    >That is to say that if we speak from heart, mind and soul and only those
    >things which we ourselves can prove with a reasonable understanding then we
    >would all benefit. While one can say that the Bible is the truth, and I
    >would certainly agree, that does not mean that the interpretations we hold
    >to are correct. That is the point of the forum and discussions that are
    >needed to continue our own spiritual enlightenment. "Where two or more meet
    >there shall I be"
    >Lets all continue the discussion and lets get into some specific dialogue
    >Don P
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: []On
    >Behalf Of Vernon Jenkins
    >Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 5:16 PM
    >To: John W Burgeson;
    >Subject: Re: ASA Perspective
    >You wrote (10 Mar): "As you know, we have a couple (of) YECs who lurk here
    >and sometimes post. They have a rough time of it because so many of us are
    >quick to jump on their arguments. When you get six rebuttals to a single
    >post, it does not take too long to determine that answering them is not a
    >good use of time."
    >It is possible that I am one of those you had in mind. However, the point I
    >wish to make at this time has wider implications than the mere defence of
    >Christians on the ASA list will know that the Scriptures paint a sorry
    >picture of post-Edenic man: he is portrayed as an enemy of God and of His
    >Christ (eg Ps.2); a creature of evil imagination from his youth (Gn.8:21);
    >and deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked (Jer.17:9). A
    >devastating indictment indeed! - and one that goes a long way toward
    >explaining many of the world's ills, and the progressive undermining of
    >Word by generations of higher critics and a largely unbelieving and powerful
    >intellectual establishment.
    >Clearly, if the biblical strictures are to be believed (and why not? - since
    >they provide the raison d'etre for Incarnation, Cross and Resurrection!)
    >they represent a fundamental barrier to our understanding of the Creator and
    >a proper assessment of His work in creation.
    >Those on this list who question the sanity of the YEC position should let us
    >know where they stand in respect of this foundational matter. Do they accept
    >God's assessment of man's essential nature, or not? If not, then why not?
    >And, if so, do they therefore proceed to accept that views so confidently
    >expressed, and conclusions so stridently declared, in respect of earth and
    >life history may be merely the fruits of potentially-flawed cognitive
    >processes? - perhaps living examples of the 'evil imaginations' we read
    >in Gen.8:21!
    >I suggest it behooves us all to accept gracefully, and with humility, that
    >can be hopelessly wrong in our understanding of what is, and what is not
    >true. That is why God has deemed it necessary to provide us with a body of
    >'revealed truth' . If we are wise, we will grasp this as does a drowning man
    >the lifebelt thrown him!
    >Sincerely, and with regards,

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