RE: Human origins and doctrine

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 21:46:11 EST

  • Next message: Peter Ruest: "Please keep volume of messages down!"

    I wrote:
    >> I also strongly lean toward the view that Adam was a
    >> representative head (in a way parallel to Christ's headship
    >> of the church)
    >> and not the ancestor of all living humans.

    Adrian responded:
    >Which I disagree with. I have trouble reconciling this with Romans 5, for

    How is Christ's righteousness imputed to us? - by grace through faith.
    There is some act of the will on my part involved. I must willingly accept
    that offer of grace. What if we make a parallel with the transmission of
    sin? When I am born I am innocent (I do not mean righteous). However, at
    the first opportunity I choose to be disobedient - I sin and come under the
    curse of Adam which is spiritual death. Thus, Adam's curse is imputed to
    me by my sharing in his sin, just as Christ's righteousness is imputed to
    me by faith. "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man,
    and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all
    sinned" (Rom 5:12). My reading is that there are none who are without sin
    except Christ, thus there are none who are morally righteous yet still
    condemned by Adam's sin. We are condemned because we sin. Therefore I do
    not understand that sin itself is something that is passed on thru direct

    The question then is, why do we all sin? This is where my views get even
    more speculative. It has been suggested by some that our physical desires
    and drives, which were part of God's good creation enabling us to survive
    and flourish as a species, became aspects of our humanity that God called
    us to overcome as His image bearers. In other words, God desires that His
    character be developed in us through our encounter with and overcoming of
    temptation and trial (Gen 2:15-17; Gen 4:6-7). And He has not left us in
    that process without providing us with His gracious power - if we choose to
    accept it. This provides, I believe, a useful basis for working out a
    theodicy of pain and suffering. I have found the book "Evil and the God of
    Love" by John Hick to be very helpful to me in thinking through theodicy


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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