Re: Human origins and doctrine (was Definition of "Species")

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 18:45:30 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: Human origins and doctrine (was Definition of "Species")"

    Adrian, in another post, wrote: "I am reminded of an article by David
    Snoke published in PSCF years ago, in which he argued against the myth of
    certainty. I am well aware of this line of reasoning, but nevertheless, I
    see a need to draw a line somewhere. "

    I know the article. I was the person who first put it into the ASA web
    site (as well as elsewhere). It is a good article. I happen to not be
    persuaded as Snoke is, but I found it to present his case better than
    anything else I'd seen at that time.

    "If it is true that we cannot assume anything to be true (certain enough
    that it
    would be foolish not to believe it), then where do we even begin? Maybe
    bible is all made up. Maybe all the historical witness to the existence
    Christ is also made up. Maybe postmodernism is infecting us more than we

    My own investigations into postmodernism have greatly expanded my
    thinking. (I think). This month friend wife and I are studying THE
    MEANING OF JESUS by Borg and Wright. Some people don't like to read stuff
    with which they do not agree. We thrive on it.
    "Another point is that even if one were to adopt your open position of
    subjecting everything to reexamination, I think it is unrealistic to
    everyone to do so. How many people on this LISTSERV (mostly very bright,
    thoughtful intellectuals) actually sat down and reexamined the principle
    sola Scriptura, or the doctrine of the Trinity? How many actually took
    time to read the historical arguments and examined their own
    presuppositions? How many spend time questioning everything that they
    been taught to believe as true? I think it is clear that most people,
    of the time, do not even question most of their beliefs, and if they did,
    would lead many to despair."

    We all only have 24 hours a day. But someone once said "The unexamined
    life is not worth living." That is close to being my own life's motto. I
    only do what I MUST do -- what others do -- how much examining they do on
    what is life's most important subject -- is their call, not mine. I know
    that my own studies have not "led me to despair." I also know that the
    theological position I had 20 years ago has changed considerably since
    that time. I find myself richer for the experiences.
    "Some thoughts of mine for your consideration."


    John Burgeson (Burgy)
           (science/theology, quantum mechanics, baseball, ethics,
            humor, cars, philosophy and much more)

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