RE: What is OEC, anyway? (was: Human origins and doctrine)

From: Adrian Teo (
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 15:09:42 EST

  • Next message: Adrian Teo: "RE: Virgin Birth"

    Hello Allan,

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 9:02 PM
    Subject: What is OEC, anyway? (was: Human origins and doctrine)

    In response to David Campbell's statement that the Christian understanding
    of original sin is not contradicted by possible evolutionary origins of the
    human body, Adrian Teo said:

    Thank you for framing the issue so clearly. I would agree that the processes

    you described are probably scientifically indistinguishable, which BTW,
    seems to support my contention that OEC is a viable alternative for
    Christians who do not reject science.

    My first reaction was that this missed the point, but on reflection I think
    it, and my reaction, illustrate how different people understand the term
    "OEC." Of course it means "Old-Earth Creationist," one who believes the
    Earth is old and that God did some "interventions" in nature over the years
    to produce (or to help natural processes like evolution produce) life. But,
    within that, there are two very different categories:

    OEC-1) OEC believing not only that God did such interventions, but that such
    "gaps" are a theological necessity. This category of OEC, in which
    evolution is seen as something that must be false in order for Christianity
    to be true, seems to be the category in which most people today who are
    famous for OEC views (Phil Johnson, Hugh Ross, John Wiester) fall.

    OEC-2) OECs who think evolution is theologically OK, but believe that God
    did it some other way. I can't think of any "famous" OECs today in that
    category (maybe Robert Newman, maybe Bernard Ramm 50 years ago), but it
    seems to be the category for Adrian and several others on this list.

    [AT] Your distinction seems very helpful to me. I would fit better under
    OEC-2, BUT I am really not sure how God did it. As such, I am open to both
    evolution or some form of creationism. The questions I posed to the group
    are exploratory, and the positions I take are tentative.

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