Re: Applied evolution

Date: Sat Nov 10 2001 - 00:23:02 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Response to: What does the creation lack?"

    Norm Woodward wrote:

    NW:---And if these individuals were tested for HIV, would antibodies show up
    indicating they were "infected"? And could exposures to new strains overcome
    this "virtual" immunity.

    WD: A person is only infected if the virus can make a living out of them.
    However, if they enjoy playing Russian roulette, they may very well reap
    the consequences.

    Better that they reflect on the Biblical prohibitions on food and wise
    Although there are no clear prohibitions against eating monkeys (perhaps
    because there were none in Isreal), there are prohibitions against
    of blood. In addition, for those who enjoy a wreckless lifestyle, they might
    consider that it is definitely an easy way for an unthinking pathogen to make
    an otherwise intelligent human being into a fool.

    You and I may see little point in worrying about HIV, but in a few
    generations, the self-centered activities of many Johns and Janes
    throughout the world may very well affect our own progeny.

    NW: (You probably answered these in this reply, but I am still
    running to keep up. But I sure would like to be able to show
    off my pet theory, if it can do the trick.)

    WD: Here's my impression: given four immunologists, you'll find five
    opinions; so you're in good company. ;-)

    by Grace alone we proceed,

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