RE: Response to: What does the Creation lack?

From: Woodward Norm Civ WRALC/TIEDM (
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 15:27:08 EST

  • Next message: bivalve: "Re: Response to: What does the creation lack?"

    But the question I was addressing in the post to which you responded was,
    Is God the "agent responsible" for causing each one of these events to occur
    at some specific location and time? There is a theological tradition that
    appears set on ascribing to God both the power and desire to be in absolute
    CONTROL of each event, one by one. In the context of that view of God, it
    would appear that God was the "agent responsible" for choosing to cause the
    Lisbon earthquake and the death of Darwin's daughter. It's that picture of a
    micromanaging and controlling divine agency to which Darwin was, I believe,
    reacting with revulsion.
    ---I will confess that I have not studied about Darwin, not even to see the
    short bio on the recent PBS miniseries, but I find this rather interesting.
    Could someone direct me to a reference about this incident, preferably
    However, I would like a sneak peek at a clue...did these events occur before
    he began his work in Naturalistic Evolution, or after?
    I am just trying to figure out the possible motivations of the major players
    in this conflict.


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