RE: Phil Johnson

From: Joel Peter Anderson (
Date: Sat Sep 29 2001 - 16:19:35 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Phil Johnson"

    > We might disagree as to whether his overall impact is positive or
    > negative,

    Okay, I'll vote. Positive. But that doesn't matter, this:

    > but many on this list have voiced strong objections to his message,
    > and I agree with them. Would Christianity fare better with some if
    > its soldiers off the battle field and in the infirmary? Yes, I
    > believe it would.

    and the sentiment in your original, flippant remark, strike me as wicked
    and pernicious. As I wrote you privately, "You owe a profound apology.
    Anyone who has ever had a friend or relative struck down by a stroke would
    never say such a wicked thing."


     But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good
    to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and
    persecute you; (Mt:5:44: KJV) >

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