[Fwd: The Binch Version of Tuesday]

From: Lucy Masters (masters@cox-internet.com)
Date: Thu Sep 20 2001 - 10:09:09 EDT

  • Next message: Adrian Teo: "RE: geology, good science and a quest for info"

    From Lucy: Just got this from my sister-in-law. Please read it to your
    children and send it along to others on your email list. It's just

    attached mail follows:

    > Subject: The Binch version of Tuesday
    > A friend sent this to me.
    > -----------------------------------
    > Every U down in Uville liked U.S. a lot,
    > But the Binch, who lived Far East of Uville, did not.
    > The Binch hated U.S! the whole U.S. way!
    > Now don't ask me why, for nobody can say,
    > It could be his turban was screwed on too tight.
    > Or the sun from the desert had beaten too bright
    > But I think that the most likely reason of all
    > May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
    > But, Whatever the reason, his heart or his turban,
    > He stood facing Uville, the part that was urban.
    > "They're doing their business," he snarled from his perch.
    > "They're raising their families! They're going to church!
    > They're leading the world, and their empire is thriving,
    > I MUST keep the S's and U's from surviving!"
    > Tomorrow, he knew, all the U's and the S's,
    > Would put on their pants and their shirts and their dresses,
    > They'd go to their offices, playgrounds and schools,
    > And abide by their U and S values and rules,
    > And then they'd do something he liked least of all,
    > Every U down in U-ville, the tall and the small,
    > Would stand all united, each U and each S,
    > And they'd sing Uville's anthem, "God bless us! God bless!"
    > All around their Twin Towers of Uville, they'd stand,
    > and their voices would drown every sound in the land.
    > "I must stop that singing," Binch said with a smirk,
    > And he had an idea--an idea that might work!
    > The Binch stole some U airplanes in U morning hours,
    > And crashed them right into the Uville Twin Towers.
    > "They'll wake to disaster!" he snickered, so sour,
    > "And how can they sing when they can't find a tower?"
    > The Binch cocked his ear as they woke from their sleeping,
    > All set to enjoy their U-wailing and weeping,
    > Instead he heard something that started quite low,
    > And it built up quite slow, but it started to grow--
    > And the Binch heard the most unpredictable thing...
    > And he couldn't believe it--they started to sing!
    > He stared down at U-ville, not trusting his eyes,
    > What he saw was a shocking, disgusting surprise!
    > Every U down in U-ville, the tall and the small,
    > Was singing! Without any towers at all!
    > He HADN'T stopped U-Ville from singing! It sung!
    > For down deep in the hearts of the old and the young,
    > Those Twin Towers were standing, called Hope and called Pride,
    > And you can't smash the towers we hold deep inside.
    > So we circle the sites where our heroes did fall,
    > With a hand in each hand of the tall and the small,
    > And we mourn for our losses while knowing we'll cope,
    > For we still have inside that U-Pride and U-Hope.
    > For America means a bit more than tall towers,
    > It means more than wealth or political powers,
    > It's more than our enemies ever could guess,
    > So may God bless America! Bless us! God bless!

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