Re: Reasons

From: D. F. Siemens, Jr. (
Date: Wed Sep 19 2001 - 00:07:49 EDT

  • Next message: Mark Hubbard: "geology, good science and a quest for info"

    If Thompson had said something comparable about Al Qaeda in the presence
    of Usama bin Laden, or about the Taliban in Afghanistan, or about Saddam
    Hussein in Iraq, or about the Ayatollah or the imams in Iran, would he
    ever return to his natal land? Would he ever speak again? Have you not
    heard that it is a capital offense for a national to be a Christian in
    Afghanistan? I note that there was, at one time, a goodly number of
    Christian Arabs living in the West Bank. Now there are virtually none.
    Why are only Muslims left? Something similar is happening in Northern
    Nigeria. In the Sudan, Christians and pagans from the south are enslaved
    by the Moslems who rule from the north. Need I expand this list? There
    are many other persecuted brethren and sisters for who we should pray.

    Would Gandhi's or Mandela's nonviolent approach have worked in China, the
    Soviet Union, North Korea, any of the Soviet satellites, or any of the
    Islamic states? No wonder Preston Garrison calls him mendacious. But we
    put up with lying fools.

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