lecture announcement

From: Howard J. Van Till (hvantill@novagate.com)
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 13:11:06 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "Re: ASA List"

    FYI: Lecture at Ohio Wesleyan University

    DELAWARE, OHIO -- On Wednesday, Sept. 19, Howard Van Till, professor
    emeritus of physics and astronomy at Calvin College, talks about the
    relationship of science and theology. In his lecture, titled "Finders and
    Keepers: Can Religion Keep What Science Finds?", Dr. Van Till explores the
    possibility of science and religion growing in mutual respect, given
    advancements in science. The event, part of the annual Sagan National
    Colloquium lecture series, begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Benes Room of
    Hamilton-Williams Campus Center.

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