Re: Vernon's claim (2)

From: George Hammond (
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 16:54:26 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "Gloree gloree halaluuulyaaa.... gloree gloreee halaluuulyaa"

    gordon brown wrote:
    > Vernon,
    > Determining the central chapter and central verse in the Bible is
    > dependent on which version you use.


    A far more erudite and profound calculation shows that the

              sqrt[God] = 4

      If you count backwards from the end of the alphabet, setting z=0,
    you find that the letters of the word God have the following values:

    G = 19 (from z=0)
    o = 11 "
    d = 22 "

    Now, using standard numerology:

          1+9 +1+1 +2+2 = 16

    and sqrt(16)=4, therefore, we have the stunning and profoundly
    meaningful advanced mathematical result, that:

            sqrt[God] = 4 Q.E.D.!

    I hope these calculations are not beyond the mathematical
    prowess of the asa readership.

    Be sure to visit my website below
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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