Re: So. Baptist Spin on BOE Vote

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Sun Feb 25 2001 - 21:26:01 EST

  • Next message: Bill Payne: "Fair to John Weister"

    Burgy wrote:

    >You kindly pointed me (us) to what is apparently the final (104 pages) version
    >of the standards. Can you help me (us) find the most viable competitor
    >to those standards? The one that John Wiester might support, for instance?

    The science standards that de-emphasized evolution and removed reference to
    an ancient Earth and cosmology were adopted by the board in August 1999.
    These standards and those who voted for them were actively supported by
    several in the Discovery Institute. It was also in support of these
    standards that the ID Network was organized - they worked hard against the
    recent rejection of these standards.

    The standards adopted by the board in August 1999 were those replaced by
    the recent vote.

    Those standards can be viewed at

    At this site, the August 1999 adopted standards (that were rewritten by 3
    board members) are compared to the Draft 5 Standards (prepared by the 27
    member standards writing committee) that were presented to the board at
    that time. This marked up version enables you to see precisely what was
    removed, and what was added to the committee's draft. It is very helpful
    to see just what was changed.


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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