[Fwd: Teleological evolution (was death and sin)]

From: Jonathan Clarke (jdac@alphalink.com.au)
Date: Sat Feb 24 2001 - 04:57:49 EST

  • Next message: Geoff Bagley: "RE:"

    attached mail follows:

    Hi Rob

    In the last part of your email you wrote:

    > [sip] However, as soon as one tries to make evolution teleological he/she will
    > be rejected by the science establishment. Denton tried it in his last book,
    > without even being theistic about it, but do you find him being referenced by
    > established biologists?

    I have not read Denton's last book. Which one is it?

    I suspect however that it depends how that teleology is presented. Both Simon
    Conway Morris and Dale Russel have argued for teleology in evolution, and they are
    still respected and cited.


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