RE: Miracles and Science

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 01:32:14 EST

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: relativity and relativism from Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation"

    Bill wrote:
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Bill Payne []
    >Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 4:04 PM

    >If we pull a thread out from one end of the Bible, the whole thing tends
    >to unravel if we are consistent, which, I think, is why Glenn doesn't
    >like the results of his research. He seems to be caught in a bit of a
    >scissor, between his integrity on the one hand and his desire to be
    >consistent on the other.

    Bill, you misunderstand me. It is not I who was advocating using the
    methodology of placing Biblical stories in their cultural perspective. I am
    opposed to that. By use of the resurrection stories of other religions, I
    was showing that if one insists upon placing the Flood stories in a cultural
    perspective, one could do the same for the resurrection itself. If one does
    that, it makes the resurrection untrue which of course, as you note,
    unravels christianity.

    The thing that made me unhappy is that I don't like the implications of
    learning of an Egyptian religion with many similarities to Christianity,
    including a communion service. I don't feel I am caught in any scissor. I
    was trying to illustrate that others might be though.


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