Re: Miracles and Science

Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 08:33:18 EST

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: genetics & textual variants"

    There is a slightly different view you can take on the seeming conflict
    between miracles and science, particularly biblical miracles. In many
    cases, the issue may not be how the event took place, but rather when. I
    am willing to believe that the parting of the Red Sea for the Israelites
    was a fortuitous confluence of wind, tide, and perhaps sand drift that
    enabled the Israelites to cross on foot. The Egyptian chariots, being
    wheeled, did not fare so well and got mired in the sand. But miraculously,
    this event occurred just when it was needed by the Isralites! Similarly,
    some of the healing Jesus did might have been of diseases easily understood
    and healed by today's medical science, but again, the healing occurred at
    Jesus' prayer. Same thing happened to you with the woman with arthritis.
    You may come up with an explanation for the medicine some day, but not the

    I haven't had any 'miracles' happen when I'm around, but God taps me on the
    shoulder occasionally to remind me that he is there and paying attention to
    me. Scientific? No. But it does wonders in bolstering my faith.

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