Re: Part Two: Mathematics and Physics from Genesis to Revelation

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 15:20:45 EST

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "Anthro potpouri"

    Runge also wrote: "The only way that we can reason correctly (or in
    absolute logic) about our fallen state of reason is by the gift of the
    Spirit of truth."

    And one person, depending on the Spirit, says X; another says Y. Both
    cannot be right. X and Y may be any two
    conflicting claims. Eternal security, biblical inerrancy, earth's age,
    whether tomatoes are a poison or not.

    I had a friend who argued from that position that the book of Mormon was

    As I see it, one must be either a skeptic or a credulous fool. If one
    the second of these, one has so many possible "fool" positions to choose

    Jon also wrote: "A neglected symmetry for counting in real and imaginary
    ways (and in positive and negative directions) means that this world's
    mathematical logic is incomplete, and ambiguous. This is a key point,...

    It may be a key point. It is also incoherent. It uses English words but
    not all combinations
    of English words convey meaning. These, for instance, look as if they
    should but, in fact,
    they do not.

    Burgy (John Burgeson)

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