AAAS in SF, Feb. 15-20

From: The Troll House (
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 01:19:27 EST

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: A NT doctrine of creation (was canon within the canon)"

    Dear Colleagues:

    It now appears that I will be "covering" the AAAS meeting at the Hilton San
    Francisco & Towers, February 15-20, as a journalist on behalf of _Origins &
    Design_. I would be happy to meet other members of this list there. I will
    be commuting from Berkeley via BART each day. One place we might meet or
    leave notes for each other is the exhibit booth of the Ecumenical Roundtable
    on Science, Technology, and the Church, open Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

    As a member of the Presbyterian Association on Science, Technology, and the
    Christian Faith (PASTCF), I have been notified of a pre-AAAS meeting event
    to take place on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in Grace Cathedral,
    Gresham Hall, California St. entrance, between Taylor and Jones. The topic,
    "Genomics, Robotics, and Nanotechnology: Science and religion converse on
    the shape of the future," will be addressed by Bill Joy, chief scientist and
    CEO of Sun Microsystems. Responders will be philosopher Philip Clayton of
    Sonoma State Univ.; Kenneth Culver of Novartis Pharmaceuticals; chemist
    James Heath of UCLA; Manuelo Veloso of the Robotics Inst., Carnegie Mellon
    Univ.; and Laurie Zoloth of the Jewish Studies Program at S.F. State Univ.

    The Wed. evening program is presented by the AAAS Program of Dialogue on
    Science, Ethics, & Religion; Berkeley's Center for Theology & the Natural
    Sciences (CTNS); the Episcopal Church Working Group on Science, Technology,
    & Faith (one of the denominational groups within the Ecumenical Roundtable);
    and Grace Cathedral of the Episcopal Diocese of California. I gather that
    the meeting is open to the public and I hope to attend.

    From the preliminary AAAS program, I expect to take in at least the Sat.
    evening plenary lecture by Francis Collins of the NIH Center for Human
    Genome Research; a Sun. afternoon symposium on "Antievolutionism"; a Mon.
    afternoon symposium on "The Historical Sciences, Religion, & Science
    Education; and possibly Fri. sessions on hydrothermal vents (a.m.) and plant
    evolution (p.m.). I'll also participate in the AAAS Fellows Forum on Sat.
    morning. Best regards,

    --Walt Hearn, the W of

    The Troll House

    The Troll House

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