discussion group abbreviations

From: Doug Hayworth (hayworth@uic.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 16:30:23 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Beardsley: "Re: atheist/theist debate"

    I don't keep up with many discussion groups, so I don't know all the common
    abbreviations used by posters in their messages. Since being on this list
    serve, I've never seen these defined even once. Some I've been able to
    figure out, but others have left me in the dark. Can someone please post a
    glossary for us? As a general rule, I think it is good to spell out and
    define nearly all such abbreviations the first time they appear in one's
    message. This practice should apply not only to figures of speech (FOS)
    but also the specific field jargon (SFJ) used. This will make it easier
    for new-comers (NCs) to follow discussions. For example, this group uses
    FOS like IMHO and SFJ like TE, ID, YEC, but these rarely get defined. ;)


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