creation-related jokes

From: bivalve (
Date: Thu Oct 05 2000 - 12:03:31 EDT

  • Next message: Dale K Stalnaker: "Re: Creation Jokes"

    If you have access to an overhead, there are a number of cartoons that might work. Examples include the Far Side with Eve accepting an offer from Adam for a date and then realizing that she did not have anything to wear or the Frank and Ernest with an angel suggesting that God ought to take a "before" photo and then create. I believe "Are we there yet?" is the title of a Frank and Ernest "history" featuring several relevant cartoons. (The Flood also turns up, such as the figure with halo resting on a cloud next to a fire hose labeled "In Case of Sin". Other Biblical themes are also present; e.g., Joshua being encouraged by the spy's report that the Canaanites used the lowest bidder for Jericho's walls.) It also has a very good illustration of theistic evolution. Two robots are looking at The Origin of Species and one commments "Wackiest R and D system I ever saw!" [research and development]. Then there's the monkey who sees Frank and Ernest walk past and declares that!
     he accepts evolution and the Peter Principle...

    If a bit later in Genesis seems relevant enough, there's always the story about Abraham trying to load Windows onto a 286. Isaac said "Father, that computer doesn't have enough memory!" Abraham replied "Do not worry, my son. God will supply the RAM."

        Dr. David Campbell
        "Old Seashells"
        Biology Department
        Saint Mary's College of Maryland
        18952 E. Fisher Road
        St. Mary's City, MD 20686-3001 USA, 301 862-0372 Fax: 301 862-0996
    "Mollusks murmured 'Morning!'. And salmon chanted 'Evening!'."-Frank Muir, Oh My Word!

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