"open letter to Paul Gross"

From: Wendee Holtcamp (wendee@greendzn.com)
Date: Mon Jul 24 2000 - 09:54:01 EDT

  • Next message: Bryan R. Cross: "Re: "open letter to Paul Gross""

    Someone posted a quote from "Open Letter to Paul Gross" by Jay W. Richards:

    Can you tell me who is Paul Gross and who is Jay W. Richards? Thanks.

    Also, the question of whether natural selection is adequate to account for "the larger-scale patterns of morphological evolution (‘macroevolution’)" is essentially a scientific question and not a theological one.

    Science is such that as time moved forward, holes in theories are filled in, questions are answered and new questions are raised. If another mechanism besides natural selection is proposed that fits data, then that will help scientists understand evolution to a greater extent. That doesn't mean that natural selection does not happen or is not valid, or does not account for some macroevolution. Science is ever-changing. But I agree with Dave that we are not going to put God in a test tube!
    I don't understand why some Christians are so set against "defeating Darwin" - it is really a ridiculous and fruitless pursuit.

    The whole premise of ID is a little bit appalling ethically. It is actually a fascinating idea, trying to test whether there are signs of intelligent design in nature. But if they do their research properly and if find out NO, there are not, then what? Will they discard their hypothesis and say "oops, we were wrong." Will it harm the cause of Christianity, whereby even more scientists laugh at the notion of God because the ID hypothesis turns out wrong? Not that it would indeed disprove the existence of God, of course, but non-believers and particularly some of the materialist types will seize on anything to promote the idea that "God is dead."

    My thoughts,
         ~~ Wendee Holtcamp -- wendee@greendzn.com ~~
     ~~ Environment/Travel/Science Writer ~~ www.greendzn.com ~~
                  No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece
                    of the continent, a part of the main. -- John Donne

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