Re: The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind & you

From: Doug Hayworth (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 09:58:46 EDT

  • Next message: Jack Haas: "Re: The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind & you"

    At 01:51 PM 7/20/00 +0100, Vernon Jenkins wrote:
    >I suggest these negative attributes are not the exclusive province of
    >YECism, but rather extend across the board. How is it that scientists
    >can arbitrarily exclude the supernatural from their deliberations (or
    >water it down, as the case may be!) and yet pretend they are the sole
    >purveyors and guardians of Truth?

    Just for the record, I don't know ANY scientists who believe that they
    (either individually or collectively as the scientific community) are the
    sole purveyors and guardians of Truth.


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