critique this...

From: Wendee Holtcamp (
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 12:55:51 EDT

  • Next message: Wendee Holtcamp: "history of scientific method"

    Can anyone offer feedback on the following statement:

    > evolutionary theory has little proven
    >relevance to the actual day-to-conduct conduct of modern science,

    What about the development of antibiotics, the classification of
    organisms, etc? Can you give me a concrete explanation of how
    evolutionary theory is used in applied scientific/biological/medical
    endeavors? And the statements, "You are going to have to give me some
    pretty strong evidence that formulating medicines, vaccines, and pest
    controls "depends" in any way upon the evolutionary theory like
    engineering depends upon the laws of physics. Are you saying that
    there are actually medicines, vaccines, and pesticides that could not
    have been developed if the general theory of evolution were wrong?"

    Now this discourse above also fails to distinguish between macro and
    microevolution. I would say that microevolution and natural selection
    are involved in the understanding and development of things like
    antobiotics. But there is a fine line between where micro stops and
    macro begins, particularly with primitive organisms.

    Any feedback?
    Thanks! Wendee

         ~~ Wendee Holtcamp -- ~~
     ~~ Environment/Travel/Science Writer ~~ ~~

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