anyone read this book?

From: Wendee Holtcamp (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 16:45:26 EDT

  • Next message: Inge Frette: "Re: anyone read this book?"

    Has anyone read this book, and could give me a quick-and-dirty on what
    the perspective of the author is on biology?

    Richard Wright, Biology through the Eyes of Faith, San Francisco:
    Harper and Row, 1989.

    Any books by Christians who are also biologists (who study
    evolutionary biology?!). Also, do I understand correctly that Behe
    actually acknowledges evolution from beginning, just also that God is
    present? What is the Black Box he is talking about. I know, I know,
    read the darn book myself but I really appreciate some input from
    those of you on the list. I'm busy working my tail off so I can get a
    new Prius (hybrid electric Toyota). :)

    I am corresponding with someone (I mentioned here before) who I'm
    trying to convince to actually talk to some "theistic evolutionists"
    (Like one ASA member - can't remember (Howard?) I also do not like
    that term, but at least people know what it means - or possibly not!).

    Anyway, I am convincing him to sign on which I believe he will soon.

         ~~ Wendee Holtcamp -- ~~
     ~~ Environment/Travel/Science Writer ~~ ~~

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