Johnson and Providence

Date: Fri Jul 07 2000 - 20:01:29 EDT

  • Next message: Bryan R. Cross: "Re: Johnson and Providence"

    Bryan Cross has asked a couple of times for evidence of Phil Johnson not
    allowing God to create providentially as some of us assert. Adding to the
    couple of quotes posted by others, I offer this one from _Defeating
    Darwinism_ (first pointed out to this list by Terry Gray in his book review):

    "I therefore put the following simple proposition on the table for
    discussion: God is our true Creator. I am not speaking of a God who is
    known only by faith and is invisible to reason, or who acted undetectably
    behind some naturalistic evolutionary process that was to all appearances
    mindless and purposeless. That kind of talk is about the human imagination,
    not the reality of God. I speak of a God who acted openly and who left his
    fingerprints all over the evidence."

    This seems to be pretty clear that Johnson thinks that a God who created
    providentially through "natural" processes is not worthy of being "our true
    Creator." God has to leave scientifically detectable "fingerprints" if he is
    to win Johnson's approval.

    Dr. Allan H. Harvey, Boulder, Colorado |
    "Any opinions expressed here are mine, and should not be
     attributed to my employer, my wife, or my cats"

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