Re: Johnson and intelligent design

Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 06:18:30 EDT

  • Next message: Bill Payne: "Re: archaeology and the Bible"

    In a message dated 7/4/2000, Bryan Cross wrote:

    << I believe the solution is to approach every problem with a genuine search
    for natural explanations, but with the willingness to acknowledge the
    possibility of (direct) divine action. That avoids the error of occasionalism
    (which you describe as
    'God-of-the-Gaps theology eating everything up) on the one hand, and the
    error of
    methodological naturalism on the other hand. >>

    It seems to me that this statement sums up the arguments on the thread of
    "Johnson and intelligent design." Is this not a statement on which we can
    all agree?


    Is there any dissent to the statement?


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