Alaska flight story

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 16:23:42 EST

  • Next message: David Campbell: "Re: Numerics and Applied Apologetics"

    I was sent a story about the recent crash of an Alaskan airplane
    which began like this:

    >>We probably wouldn't hear this over the secular media! If it is true -

    John Hernandez (a friend of ours at church) recently shared a testimony
    is so remarkable, and credible, that we feel compelled to share it with a
    wider audience.

    John related that last week he talked with an Alaska Airlines pilot who is
    involved in the investigation of the horrific crash of Alaska Flight 261.
    The pilot has listened to the cockpit voice recorder from the downed plane
    and he reported that for the last 9 minutes of the flight, the wife of the
    pastor from Monroe, Washington can be heard sharing the Gospel with the
    passengers over the planes intercom system....>>

    The story continues as an evangelical appeal. I am highly skeptical.
    Still, this is one story that can be checked out. The media would, of
    be as likely to report this as about anything else. Why would they not?

    My assumption, however, is that it is yet another "made up" story
    which dishonors Christ by telling an untruth in the guise of an
    evangelical witness.

    Can anyone here come up with evidence to disconfirm my skeptician?


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