Re: Chimps, sin, Adam and Christ

From: glenn morton (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 15:36:01 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Chimps, sin, Adam and Christ"

    At 02:07 PM 3/13/00 EST, wrote:
    >George said,
    ><< No. Saying that there is a context in which Genesis 3 might have
    > not the same as having evidence that there was a real couple named Adam &
    >Eve, the latter made from a rib of the former, who were tempted by a talking
    >serpent &c. That is what would be required in order for you to say that you
    >had evidence for Gen.2 & 3 to be "Historie wie es eigentlich gewesen
    ist." >>
    >This is essentially the question I have: Does Glenn accept early Genesis as
    >accurate history or is the pot calling the kettle black?

    Yes I do accept Genesis as actual history. THat is what my scenario is all
    about. I am not the pot.

    >The account says Adam named his wife (literally) Hawah because she would
    >become the mother of all the Hay, a Hebrew word for "living. And Adam's
    >is a Hebrew word for "man." Does Glenn believe these are the historically
    >accurate names of the first two human beings even though the Hebrew language
    >did not come into existence until the late second millenium BC?

    I have never held anything other than that Adam means man. God created the
    man. It is later peoples that turned it into an actual name.

    >The account also says that the first woman was made from the rib of the
    >man. Does Glenn believe this is accurate?

    Yes. And what is the problem with this? God raised a man from the dead--can
    you imagine that?

    If he thinks women evolved
    >alongside of men, how can he think this story about the creation of Eve is
    >accurate history?

    Why don't you look at my web page and find out, or look at my book. It
    always kills me that people who want to criticise haven't even taken the
    trouble to do a bit of reading that is easily available to them. It is much
    easier to sit and throw stones than do a bit of reading. Shame on you Paul.

    take a look at

    and you will find your answer. One shouldn't have to spoon feed everything.
    >Also, the account says Adam raised food in a garden;and that in his
    >lifetime, one of his sons did the same, and the other raised domesticated
    >animals. This is clearly Neolithic, that is to be dated no earlier than
    >10,000 BC. Does Glenn believe this is accurate history?

    Yes, once again, either read my book, read the web page or don't criticise
    what you are too lazy to read. I also have an article in the PSCF which
    approaches some of these issues.

    Sorry but it always ticks me off to get criticisms like this when someone
    obviously hasn't given the simplest courtesy or shown the simplest respect
    by actually doing some research!!!!! This is especially true when it is so
    accessible on the web. I really don't see why someone like you won't take
    the courtesy to read and understand what I am saying. I read your book and
    I understand what you are saying. It was so good it nearly drove me into
    atheism last year. So please show me the same courtesy!

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

    Lots of information on creation/evolution

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