Re: ID

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 16:32:27 EST

  • Next message: Tim Ikeda: "Re:[Fwd: Re: "Genesis Reconsidered"]"

    At 04:45 PM 3/4/00 -0800, Bert Massie wrote:
    >So Glenn why don't you refine this a little so that we can have some
    >differential equations. Tell you what, lets let the trajectories of the
    die be
    >controlled by various laws of physics and then lets let the dice be bosons
    >then lets let this somehow represent the beginning of the universe at a time
    >when bosons where available and well, perhps you could use some

    I see you have no conception of what a differential equation does. This is
    another example of christians trying to argue about a science they know
    nothing about.

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

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