Re: tracts

From: Dan Eumurian (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 18:32:45 EST

  • Next message: Adam: "The First Ice Age"

    FWIW, I've written a tract entitled "How Do You Spell FREE?" The basic
    idea came from my late professor of theology at Wheaton College Graduate
    School, Dr. Charles M. Horne, who had said,"Historical fact: Christ
    died; theological reason: for our sins; ethical summons: our response."
    My adaptation, with permission from Mrs. Horne, is, " Fact, Reason,
    Encounter, Expression." As a songwriter and poet, I also include a
    poetic adaptation, which many of my music students at a small religious
    elementary school have memorized. E-mail me for a copy. I've also
    written several songs and poems which touch on the issue of origins. A
    sample from my poem "Lord Random" follows:

    "Oh where have you been, Lord Random, my son?
    Where have you been, my handsome young man?"
    "My dear Mother Nature, I'm poisoned and ill,
    For humans have squandered their precious free will."

    "Where have you been, Lord Random, my son?
    Where have you been, my lucky young man?"
    "I'm at the casino--their chances are greater
    Than of all this existing without a Creator."

    Dan Eumurian, ASA member
    B. Mus. in Mus. Ed., M. A. in Theological Studies

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