RE: apparent age
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 15:54:02 -0400

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 23:53:02 -0500
> Ken Sewell wrote:
> In interpreting Genesis One, we must realize that this was written long
> before the current theories were vocalized. It had to relate to the people
> who received it. I think it is foolish to fight about how literal the
> creation story is. Does that make me a OEC? Yet on the other hand, I
> believe that God could have created the universe just as it says if had
> wanted to and made left evidence to indicate the universe is old. Does
> that
> make me a YEC?
For all practical purposes, yes. YECs, following Henry Morris'
lead, have insisted that any creation must always imply creation
with appearance of age. The logical and scientific
problems with this have been dealt with in the pages of the
ASA's journal for decades (You can search for the citations on
the asa web site at

Of course, in principle God COULD make a universe with
apparent age and other weird tricks, smoke and mirrors. However,
without taking away anything from God's sovereignty, it
strikes me, and many others, as beneath the Creator's integrity,
as well as as the ultimate in ad hoc solutions.

There are better alternatives for dealing with this problem. We are
here to suggest them; may God guide you in your sincere search
for answers.


Paul Arveson