Re: Life Death and Genesis
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 21:12:37 EDT

In a message dated 7/23/99 4:04:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, guyblanchet

<< ...The Bible does
not give in to sin...but it does take it into account. But it does not
do it through accomodation and compromise. Throughout the Bible, there
are numerous examples of God "taking into account" man's fallen nature.
Some examples? What about God overlooking polygamy in the days of the
patriarchs? Was He for polygamy then? No. What about God saying to
slaves to love and serve their masters? Was He for slavery? No. ...>>

According to Jesus, referring to Deut 24:1, "Because of your hardness of
heart he wrote you this commandment; but from the beginning of creation God
made them male and female." (Mark 10:4-9) Jesus is obviously rejecting the
commandment, that is Deut 24:1ff. Why? It seems to me it is because it is
an accommodation to sin. Most commentaries call it a "concession."
Concession to what? What else but sin? Is "concession" to sin not an
"accommodation"? It seems to me it is at least that. Also, John Calvin found
a number of accommodations to sin in Scripture and called them
"accomodations." See D. F. Wright, "Accommodation and Barbarity in John
Calvin's Old Testament Commentaries" in Understanding Poets and Prophets, ed.
A. Graeme Auld (Sheffield: Academic Press, 1993)

Perhaps you have a global view of the Bible which is not really biblical and
which prevents you from accepting the Word of God.

Paul S.