attitudes about origins

Craig Rusbult (
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 08:52:02 -0500

It's been awhile (more than a year) since I've been on the list.
I've missed the stimulating discussions, but am looking forward to
more in the near future, on-line and at the ASA meeting later this
month. At ASA, I'll be presenting a paper (Attitudes about Origins)
with a modest goal -- "not to provide answers, but to focus attention
on ideas that...may be worth contemplating and discussing. ... I will
try to stimulate a productive discussion." In fact, much of my ASA
"talk" will be devoted to questions and responses.

As a preliminary discussion starter, I've made a web-page (quotes
from the intro appear above) that we can talk about. It is located

Later today, I'll post brief "highly distilled" versions of two
sections about terminology, re: GAPS & NATURALISM, plus another post
I hope you'll also respond to other parts of the web-page; if you
do, please give the range of paragraph numbers (they're labeled, p1
to p84) for the topic being discussed, so others will know where to
find it in the web-page. { By the way, everything is on the same
page, so you can download it (from the internet to your hard disk)
as HTML "source" code, and then open it offline in your browser. }

Craig Rusbult

Learning from Mistakes (how I didn't learn to ski)
[my favorite page, with stories and cartoons]